March 22. Saturday.
Tentative schedule:
9:00 Arrive for coffee and chatting
9:30 Work begins on several projects - (sowing in the green house, transplanting into the field, and preparing soil for summer time vegetables, and more)
12:00 Lunch Provided Free
1:00 - Work continues
4:30 - Call it a day
If you would like to stay for dinner you may ($10 per plate).
Seibert Cabin will be available for volunteers to sleep in Saturday night if you wish to stay.
Interested in attending? Email us at or
Must be signed up by March 17.
I would like to congratulate everyone who has helped Camp Mitchell get its Agricultural Project off the ground. Thanks to all the incredible work you all have done this winter, the Camp Mitchell Agricultural Project (CMAP) is almost ready for its first planting season.
The chickens have been ranging in the garden, safely contained by the fence built with St. Michael's Youth.
The old barn (cleaned out with the help of several work weekenders) is place for us to store compost, tractors, and other goodies.
Our Coop Mitchell is home to 25 chickens (3 of which are laying blue/green eggs)
Our seedlings are sprouting well.
Thanks to Barn Yard Friends petting zoo and a chicken farmer just down the road, our first new veggie field is fertilized. And thanks to our tractor mentor, Harold Hedges, we were able to get it all plowed in and disc on time.
With Spring on the way and summer close behind, we have our work cut out for us. Before you know it we'll be growing tomato seedlings!